Life: A Journey

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Life is a Journey

Have you ever booked a flight with one or two connecting points with over three waiting hours? Bless your heart! I cannot deal with that! No way! Which is why I always get one-way flights to my destinations. But such is life. Life is a journey filled with many connecting points. Whether you like it or now, the flight of life will always take you to different connecting points, and each location has its importance and significance on how you get to your destination. However, never define yourself by where you are now, your current connecting point, because it doesn’t determine the end of your journey. It’s a process, and every outcome during the process is a contributing factor to achieving more significant results. It is too early to draw a conclusion on your case; your life is still under construction. Everything in life is a matter of time, and though you may not know when or how, but be assured that God will make everything beautiful for you in His time! Ecclesiastes 3:11a.

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