All Intentional!

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Me and Travis Greene @ IAH.

In life, we face situations and unforeseen circumstances that get us frustrated and worked up. Little do we know that these situations happen for a particular purpose. God sometimes allows us to face certain things for a reason. And no matter difficult and unbearable these may be, He always meant it for our good. He will never give you a burden or allow you to face situations He has not already given you the ability and equipped you to carry. Your past mistakes are for a purpose. They shaped us and pruned us into who we are today. This past weekend I missed my returning flight from my short visit home, and that got me extremely annoyed and frustrated. After all my pleadings with the TSA staffs to let me get through because I was about to miss my flight and running tirelessly to catch the train to my gate, only for me to get there, and they told me that my flight had just left! And mind you, this is about five minutes before the take-off time. So annoying! The gate staffs redirected me to another counter where they placed me on the next available flight, which was just about two waiting hours. “Not bad,” I said to myself. “This is even good! Now I have some time to buy some souvenirs I had promised some friends,” I continued. Also, while doing my last minute shopping, I met this fantastic Christian couple, and I was able to receive a few marital insights and advice from them, which I would never have if I had not missed my flight. My missed flight is working for my good. But that’s not all.

When it was time to board this new flight, I had to wait for everyone else to board since I was on standby. Immediately I stepped on the plane, right on my right-hand side at the first-class area was seated this young man who I thought, at first, looked a lot like Travis Greene, one of my favorite gospel artists. And after a couple of glances, I immediately confirmed it was him. OMG!!! At this point, you should imagine the kind of feeling and excitement running through me. Travis Greene on the same flight with me? OMG!!! But, here’s the kicker, where my seat was a bit farther down the aisle, away from him. So, different scenarios started running through my head: should I scream his name and introduce myself, you know, like those crazy fanatics? Should I walked up to him as a federal agent and told him he’s flagged and that he needs to come with me? What if they ask for my badge? Then I’d say that I left it at the office! Lol. What if there is another federal agent on this flight? Then God be with me! Laugh! These and many other thoughts were running through my head. But I maintained my cool all way. Since he was going to get off the plane before me, I began to pray this crazy prayer that God will hold him somehow that I might meet him. And HE ANSWERED! Who says any prayer is absurd? No prayer is too crazy for God to answer my friends! Getting off the plane and on my way to the baggage claim, I met him! He was waiting, with his hands in his hoodie, for his crew who stopped by to use the restroom. OMG! What should I say? I was busy thinking about how I would meet him that I didn’t prepare my script for what to say when I eventually do! Now I have butterflies all over my stomach! But I summoned the courage and walked up to him, and the rest is history! I want you to know one thing, whatever happens to you, whatever situation or circumstances you find yourself, that window that you think you missed, even those mistakes you make, and you think, “that is it,” they are all for a purpose! Stay positive, knowing, and believing that God causes all things to work together for all those who trust Him. Those situations, circumstances, mistakes, and the reroute of life are all intentional!

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