DARE: Story of the ugly Xmas Tree

You are made of honor
The so-called ugly Christmas Tree.

I was at work a few days ago working on some projects when my Director walked up, pointed at a Christmas tree, and said, “oh, this tree is ugly, so ugly”! I agreed with him in that instant and said, “yeah, it is ugly really”. But almost immediately the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks and said, “there is nothing God made that’s ugly. Each one is beautiful in their different ways”. I immediately asked for mercy. A few minutes later my Director walked past me the second time, walked up to the same tree, and made the same remarks, but this time, I immediately stopped him and said, “No it’s not ugly, it’s just unique”. Then I began to think. This is why we’re talking about this particular tree in the first place, its uniqueness.

My director walked past other trees that looked just like every other normal Christmas trees and he said nothing about neither did anything to them, but as soon as he got to this so-called “ugly” tree he stopped, took a glance at it, fluffed it a little while talking, then walked away. Your uniqueness makes people notice you. Did people talk about you? That’s because you’re different in some way. Your uniqueness distinguishes you from the crowd. It’s what makes you special, exceptional. So, never wish you’re like someone else, you are perfect just the way you are! No one can ever be you! Everything God made is perfect. In chapter one of the book of Genesis, each time God creates anything the bible says, “… and God saw that it was good”. After each creation. Then after He made man, the bible says in verse 31 that, “and God saw everything that He had made, and it was VERY GOOD”. This means you are exceptionally perfect. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14. YOU ARE MADE OF HONOR.

You are made of honor
You are perfect, just the way You are.

To you reading this post, you are awesome! You are beautiful! You are perfect! Just the way you are! Don’t let anyone or anything convince you otherwise. The world may think you’re ugly, in whatever way, so much that you may have begun to believe them and it has affected your self-esteem, know that you are uniquely special in the eyes of the One who made you. You are perfect in His eyes. You are uniquely, exceptionally perfect! So, stay true to who you are. Dare to be different. That’s what sets you apart from the crowd.

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