
Made of Honor is focused on sharing thoughts and revelations from the Word of God, as well as discussions with other women on different topics that will help you grow stronger in your faith and walk with God. Reminding you of who you are in Christ, especially in moments when guilt and fear overwhelm your heart, and you’re clouded with the shadows of your past. When you discover your identity in Christ, everything changes, especially as a woman. It reflects in the way you live and in other departments of your life. And knowing that irrespective of your past mistakes and flaws, and according to God’s Word in 2 Cor. 2:9, you are Chosen, Royal, Holy, and very Peculiar! You are Made of Honor! His love for you is everlasting and unending! His love can never be exhausted, even when you feel less worthy of it. His love is so amazing and so divine, so deeper than the ocean’s floor! Daily experiences will all be shared via this platform as it applies to life and our walk with God.

I thank my Lord and Savior for the privilege and honor of serving Him and being a blessing to you through this!

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