Greater God! Greater Love!

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I recently attended a service of songs for the father of a very good friend of mine, a great man! And as he was giving his speech, giving us a glimpse of who his father was, he mentioned something his father told him right before he died that gripped my heart and got me thinking. He said his father told him, “whatever adjective you used to quantify your sins, use the same adjective to quantify Christ. If you think your sins are so great, then know that you have a greater Savior who is great in mercy and grace!” This means, no matter how far gone and away from God you think you are, you are not too far gone beyond His reach! He is rich in mercy and grace so much that He will not cast you away when you come to Him, just as you are! Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:15 was the worst of sinners, but he obtained so much mercy that he was saved and also put into ministry!

So, my friends, no matter how bad you’ve become, no matter how strayed you’ve gone, no matter how sinful you are, you are not far gone beyond His reach, beyond His love! There’s ‘no mountain He won’t climb up, no shadow He won’t light up’ to reach you and save you! And peradventure you are going through any situation or circumstances that seem so great that you think you’re going under and there’s no way out, know that you have a great God who is able to turn things around! If He can calm the storm, He’ll find a way to fix it for you! He’s your Father, and He has not forgotten you! Therefore, know this, there’s no sin so great that has put you outside of His reach! And no matter how great your sins are, you have a great Savior! There’s no situation you found yourself that He cannot get you out of! And no matter how great your problems/issues are, you have a great and mighty God, the Impossibility Specialist, capable of providing solutions! Whatever adjective you use, know that God is far greater!!!

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