YES YOU CAN! No More Excuses!

Yesterday I was out hanging with a close friend of mine. If you don’t already know this about me, I enjoy spending time outdoors. I just love going outside and enjoying nature – the incredible handwork of Abba. So, now you know what this COVID is doing to me. Anyway, where my friend I had sat, a man with a hat on his head and a bag in his hands walked up to us and dropped two key chains on our table without uttering a single word. I watched him as he did the same to those sitting around us. I looked at my friend, looked down at the key chains with a tag on them, and out of everything written on the tag all I saw was the $3.00 in big print. Out of curiosity and a little confusion, I asked my friend, what’s he doing? Does he think we want to buy this? Or maybe it’s free. I mean, if you’re selling something, then that’s the worst sales strategy I’ve ever seen.

A few minutes later, the man came back and picked up the key chains without saying another word. Now, you already know that I’m confused. I had no idea what was going on. Then I looked behind me and saw some of those people seated around us taking some of the key chains and giving him money. Then I thought, “oh, he is selling them”! “But why is he not talking”? Since we don’t need any key chain, my friend suggested we just give him the money. So, I took some money out of my purse and called out to him, but he didn’t respond. He was just a few feet from us. I tried to call him again, nothing. Then a guy beside me said, “he’s deaf, he can’t hear you”. At that point, I felt really bad! So, I got out of my seat and walked straight to him and gave him the money. He was happy. 

Then I began to think. This guy is disabled, yet he did not let his disability define his identity; to stop him from living life and do what he must to survive. Not that he’s denying his predicament, but he’s not letting it cripple him. He didn’t use his disability as an excuse. You may not be disabled like he is, but how many excuses have you given yourself for not executing those plans on your list? We use our weaknesses, deficiencies, some will even use this COVID as an excuse. Often I hear people saying, “I can’t do that.” Or maybe you have said yourself, “I can’t do that, because of this and that, bcos of x, y, and z.” Honestly, I have used this excuse myself over the years. We say, “I CAN’T” before we realized that we actually CAN. For some, it’s fear.

It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let that fear cripple you. The only thing you should fear is FEAR itself because if you allow it, it will kill your life’s vision and dreams. I wonder how much money this guy made yesterday, nontaxable money, simply because he refused to let his disability stop him. What have you achieved this season? What excuses are you giving yourself? Why don’t you learn from this man?

There are several disabled people out there who are really enjoying life and living their life to the fullest. They don’t make excuses. They are doing everything they can. They’ve turned their disabilities into assets. You can too. You just have to make a determination not to allow your disability, of whatever form, and weaknesses to stop you from reaching your goal.

Stop making excuses! Even when you think you CAN’T,  tell yourself you CAN! No one can make you believe that but you. And if you need to hear it again, I am here to tell you that YOU CAN! Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Believe it. Confess it.

12 thoughts on “YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE

  1. This is a beautiful piece. My kids and I were discussing about fear yesterday. I was playing a song titled “No slave to fear” and I was telling them how powerful fear is. Thanks the the write up, looking forward to reading more. I will also share this piece. So proud of you my darling.

    1. Thank you so much, aunty! Fear is powerful depending on how much power we give it.

  2. Nice and constructive piece of advice.
    More wisdom and strength ma.
    Keep it up sis. God bless you! 🙏🙏🙏

        1. Hey love, thank you for visiting my blog and I apologize for responding late. Absolutely. The way fear cripples is enough to determine never to let it get a hold of you.

    1. 👍. Fear is very dangerous. It can cripple you and not be the best version of oneself.

      1. Hey Adeola! Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for the comment. You are right, as natural a feeling fear is, it can some people’s worst enemy.

  3. Wao!!! What a beautiful and inspirational piece, thanks sis, I am blessed. There are so many opportunities that are easily missed especially in today’s world because we choose excuse over grabbing it. But I pray God will open our eyes of understanding so we not only see this great opportunities laid in front of us, but also give us the grace to make proper use of them to bring glory and honor to His name and at the same time shine us forth to our world in Jesus name.

    1. Amen and AAmen! Thank you, Pastor Nora. I personally love the part where you prayed for the grace to make proper use of those opportunities God brings our way, which is very important. It’s very easy to squander these opportunities. And again, grabbing those opportunities without fear. I appreciate you ma. Always.

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